
每年, the 校友会 recognizes the outstanding service and accomplishments of its members. 我们将在周六表彰2023年的获奖者, 4月13日, 2024年在一个特别的颁奖典礼上对校友和朋友开放. 我们目前正在接受2023校友奖庆祝活动的提名. 提名截止日期为9月1日.


The 英国威廉希尔中文网站 校友会 created the Samuel Orr Honorary Alumnus Award to recognize non-alumni for their service and commitment to UE. 该奖项于1971年设立,并于1997年更名,以纪念Dr. 塞缪尔·奥尔担任了59年的受托人. 这是校友会可以授予非校友的最高荣誉.


Recognizes an individual (or couple) for distinction in their profession and service to their community and UE. 这是英国威廉希尔中文网站校友会授予的最高荣誉.


Presented to a recent graduate each year in recognition of his or her personal and professional achievements and service. 这个奖项, 校友会董事会于1997年成立, was created to recognize personal and professional achievements of alumni early in their careers.

Edie Bates志愿者服务奖

In 1998, The 英国威廉希尔中文网站 校友会 Board of Directors established the Edie Bates志愿者服务奖. The award recognized Edie Bates exceptional volunteerism within the University alumni community. 这个奖项 is given each year to volunteers who show the same selfless dedication that Edie Bates displayed through her service to others and to the University.


昂德拉·L. 贝瑞80

在他的一生中,Ondra L. 贝瑞一直倡导领导力、多样性和公平性. 他不断的努力为他赢得了无数的军事和民间奖项, 包括国防功勋奖章, 全国有色人种协进会社区奖(拉斯维加斯分会), 最近还获得了牛津大学杰出校友奖.

今天, 他担任内华达州的副官, 他是该州158年历史上第一位担任州长的非洲裔美国人. 在他的角色中, 他负责内华达州国民警卫队的联邦和州任务, 他是国民警卫队所有事务的首席顾问.

此前,贝里是内华达州国民警卫队空军助理副官. 他管理着零部件总部, 编号空军, and major command-level support in the formulation and coordination of policy and execution of manpower, 人员, 服务, 培训项目.

贝瑞在里诺警察局工作了25年. 他于2005年从警务处助理处长的职位退休, 他成为拉斯维加斯米高梅度假村多元化和包容性高级副总裁.

A native of Evansville, Berry graduated from UE in 1980 with a degree in Secondary Education. 作为一名学生,他是橄榄球队的跑卫,并参加了后备军官训练队. He later went on to earn a Master of Public Administration from the University of 内华达, Reno. 贝里住在斯帕克斯, 内华达, 和他的妻子, Margo, 他有三个孩子和三个孙子.


他是科罗拉多州丹佛市人, baseball pitcher 凯尔·弗里兰 was first drafted out of high school in 2011 by the Philadelphia Phillies. 他选择了英国威廉希尔中文网站, 他在那里学习并打了三年棒球.

在他的大学生涯中,他为体育运动投下了耀眼的光芒. 他的亮点包括42场首发比赛,大学生涯3场.平均失分56次,三振282名打者,这只是其中的一些.

2014年,弗里兰10胜2负,1胜1负.平均责任失分91,而且整个球季没有丢过一支全垒打. 后不久, 在2014年的美国职业棒球大联盟选秀中,他被科罗拉多落基山队以第八名的身份选中, 这使他成为美国棒球历史上第二高的选秀权.

在小联盟表现出色之后, 他于2017年进入大联盟, 在他的第一场比赛中对阵洛杉矶道奇队. 那一年他一共首发了28场比赛. 2018年,他迎来了突破性的一年,在赛扬投票中排名第四.

Overall, Freeland has started more than 150 games in the MLB and struck out over 650 batters. 他甚至在季后赛首发投出6球.两局无失分,三振了六名击球手. 那一天, he became the first Colorado Rockies pitcher to have a scoreless start in a postseason game.

Still pitching with the Rockies today, he remains close with Head Baseball Coach Wes Carroll.


In 1979, 克雷格·托雷 transferred 英国威廉希尔中文网站 to study Mechanical Engineering. 作为一名学生, 他组织学校首次参加学生工程竞赛, which was a Baja buggy developed by the student chapter of the Society of Mechanical Engineers. 托利一点也不知道,这件事只是他杰出职业生涯的伏笔.

1983年毕业后, 他成为了格林贝尔特美国宇航局戈达德太空飞行中心的一名机械工程师, 马里兰. 1986年,他与高中恋人特里·林恩·拉特利奇结婚.

在NASA工作期间, 托雷担任了五次成功的航天飞机运载的斯巴达任务的任务经理, 哪个专注于太阳科学. In 1996, 他加入了飞行计划理事会, 他在美国宇航局一些最引人注目的任务中赢得了“专家”的声誉. 他还成为了气候观测任务DSCOVR的副项目经理. Tooley was heavily involved with the Hubble Space Telescope’s fourth servicing mission by developing procedures and training astronauts. 年后, he would oversee Hubble’s Instrument Development Office for the fifth and final servicing mission in 2009.

这是他最重要的角色之一, 托雷担任月球勘测轨道飞行器的项目经理, 该机构的旗舰任务是更好地了解月球. 2009年,在他的监督下,一架飞机成功发射, 直到今天,该任务仍在继续取得突破性的发现.

在他于2017年去世后, the 国际 Astronomical Union officially named a lunar “crater” after Tooley for his contributions to space science. He will forever be remembered as a humble mentor for numerous UE Engineering alumni who worked with him at NASA over the years.


在莱斯特郡出生和长大, 英格兰, 亨丽埃塔丘伯保险锁 earned a Bachelor of Science in Applied Consumer Sciences from the University of Northumbria. 晚些时候, she served in biochemistry and public relations roles at Pedigree Petfoods in Melton Mowbray, 英格兰.

继续她的教育, Chubb enrolled at De Montfort University to earn her Master of Science in Conservation Science. During this time she also helped run a farming business, renovated a house, and gave birth to twins. In 2000, 她加入了哈拉斯顿学院的学生生活委员会, 从2009年到2016年,她担任主席. 她目前是咨询委员会主席和Harlaxton的受托人. 她还担任英国威廉希尔中文网站董事会成员.

丘伯是一家捡拾垃圾慈善机构CleanupUK的受托人. She has served as a Magistrate (Justice of the Peace) in Leicestershire since 2007 and sits on the Lord Chancellor’s Advisory Committee. 她是科斯顿教堂筹款小组的成员, 直到最近, 当了20年教区议会主席. 她也是“不回头”指导小组的成员, 一项帮助监狱犯人出狱后就业的制服公司倡议.

2018年成为The Worshipful Company of Grocers的搬运工, Chubb became one of the first two women elected to the Court of the Grocers Company in its 600-year history. She currently sits on the Grocers’ Education and Charities Committee and has been instrumental in setting up a scholarship for two students from an academy in Hackney, 伦敦. In 2023, 她还被提名为莱斯特郡的高级治安官, 最古老的皇室任命.

2023年Edie Bates志愿者服务奖得主
Nafeeza " Birdie " (Mohammed) Harrison, 03年

高中毕业后,“小鸟”哈里森离开了美丽的圣. 托马斯去了英国威廉希尔中文网站. 她加入了国际学生俱乐部,很快就成为了校园里活跃的学生, 黑人学生会, 和σ Theta. 在前哈珀餐饮中心工作时, she discovered her passion for working with people of diverse backgrounds and serving the community. 她离开大学去追求服务的生活, 但她后来回国,并于2003年获得对外研究理学学士学位.

他在非营利部门工作了30多年, 哈里森帮助了社区里无数的人. But it wasn’t until she began working for the Girl Scouts of Southwest Indiana that she learned what true volunteerism is. 晚些时候, she carried that experience to United Way and became the 社区 Impact Manager and Engagement Coordinator. She is now the Family Services Director of Habitat for Humanity of Evansville and has helped numerous families achieve the goal of homeownership.

在她的工作之外,哈里森一直是全国有色人种协进会和嘉年华埃文斯维尔的一员. For 15 years, she played an integral part in the Just for Kids Spring Break Program held at the C.K. Newsome中心. She also served on the executive and international committees for Altrusa 国际 of Evansville. In 2007, she traveled with the UE School of Education for the inaugural study abroad program in Trinidad.

作为校友, she continues to serve as a member of the UE 非裔美国人校友会 (UEAAA) as well as the Outstanding Educator of the Year committee. 哈里森之前还获得了UEAAA学生服务奖.